Dozen Rose Bouquet

from $65.00

A dozen of our premium roses, wrapped and tied with grosgrain ribbon. Available in four options: Just Roses, Classic (Roses with greenery), Luxe (Roses with greens and accent flowers), Lavish (Roses with greenery and additional complementary floral).

Our roses are farm-fresh, meaning they come straight from carefully selected growers who prioritize quality and care in every bloom. Unlike grocery store roses, which are often mass-produced and shipped long distances, our roses are harvested and sent directly to us, ensuring they stay fresher and more vibrant. The difference is clear: you’ll notice a richer color, a fuller bloom, and a longer vase life with our roses. Plus, because we source directly from the farm, we can offer varieties that are truly special and not available in most stores.

Please make a note of your preferred rose color at checkout. Rose varieties change on a weekly basis, please note a first and second choice.

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A dozen of our premium roses, wrapped and tied with grosgrain ribbon. Available in four options: Just Roses, Classic (Roses with greenery), Luxe (Roses with greens and accent flowers), Lavish (Roses with greenery and additional complementary floral).

Our roses are farm-fresh, meaning they come straight from carefully selected growers who prioritize quality and care in every bloom. Unlike grocery store roses, which are often mass-produced and shipped long distances, our roses are harvested and sent directly to us, ensuring they stay fresher and more vibrant. The difference is clear: you’ll notice a richer color, a fuller bloom, and a longer vase life with our roses. Plus, because we source directly from the farm, we can offer varieties that are truly special and not available in most stores.

Please make a note of your preferred rose color at checkout. Rose varieties change on a weekly basis, please note a first and second choice.

A dozen of our premium roses, wrapped and tied with grosgrain ribbon. Available in four options: Just Roses, Classic (Roses with greenery), Luxe (Roses with greens and accent flowers), Lavish (Roses with greenery and additional complementary floral).

Our roses are farm-fresh, meaning they come straight from carefully selected growers who prioritize quality and care in every bloom. Unlike grocery store roses, which are often mass-produced and shipped long distances, our roses are harvested and sent directly to us, ensuring they stay fresher and more vibrant. The difference is clear: you’ll notice a richer color, a fuller bloom, and a longer vase life with our roses. Plus, because we source directly from the farm, we can offer varieties that are truly special and not available in most stores.

Please make a note of your preferred rose color at checkout. Rose varieties change on a weekly basis, please note a first and second choice.

Happy Hobnail
from $75.00
Wrapped Bouquet Subscription (Monthly)
from $75.00 every month
Designer's Choice Wrap Bouquet
from $75.00
Summer Charm
from $100.00
Colorful Creation
from $125.00